Ways to watch:
Match televised live on Five (HD) in the UK and DirecTV/GolTV (HD) in the US.
ReinaJohnson Kyrgiakos Carragher Konchesky
Poulsen Spearing
Meireles Shelvey Jovanovic
Bench: Hansen, Gerrard, Lucas, Wilson, Kelly, Skrtel, Eccleston
Oh dear. Christian Poulsen is back, as the rumored lineup floating around the internet is confirmed. Yes, there’s Chelsea on Sunday, but with Roy’s assurances that he wasn’t going to rest many of the key men, I was at least expecting a bit more. Six changes isn’t a ton, but when five of those changes come in the front six, there’s bound to be a big difference. Encouraged by the start for Jonjo Shelvey, though, and excited to see if he can put in another quality performance against Napoli. And as has been the case since the great Northampton Disaster, no Dani Pacheco.
De SanctisCampagnaro Cannavaro Pazienza
Maggio Gargano Aronica Dossena
Lavezzi Hamsik
In the run-up:
This section has increasingly morphed from “in the run-up” to “stupid shit Roy Hodgson says,” so why make today any different?
But actually it’s not all bad today, as Roy Hodgson first does a bit of owning up in the Rafa Benitez debacle:
“If I upset him by saying something which I didn’t mean to be critical then I’d happily apologise. There was never any intention to do that.
“As far as I am concerned I work at Liverpool and do my best for Liverpool and he will work at Inter and do his best for Inter. I have no comments to make about other people’s opinions – I’ll allow them to make them and in this case I’ll accept them if that’s what they want to be.”
It’s only fair to acknowledge the fact that it seems like he realized where he screwed up, even if none of the backlash from the exchange focused on him. Outside of the Guardian, which Noel mentioned, Hodgson’s quotes were treated as gospel in the media. At least he’s aware that baiting someone who’s more in the know about the club isn’t necessarily a great idea.
The Damien Comolli appointment has also brought about a chance for Hodgson to weigh in, and as I alluded to yesterday, it’s nothing particularly ground-breaking:
“The new owners do not want that model where one man, whether that be me or anybody else, or Comolli for that matter, has all the cards in his hand and can decide everything that happens at the club,” he said. “They want that responsibility shared about and don’t want one person making all the decisions. That doesn’t mean to say that what happened in the ’60s and ’70s is wrong. That was fantastic and Shankly will always be the great and the Paisleys and Fagans who followed him … will always be great and worshipped. That’s part of a club’s football tradition. It’s called living when you live. The days of the dictatorial-type English manager – when no one dared buy a paper clip without his approval – are gone.”
The quotes themselves aren’t all that captivating, but I’m thinking it’ll be worth watching around the time that transfer speculation ramps up. By all accounts Liverpool are going to be looking for something come January, and if Hodgson’s still around, the way transfer targets are developed and negotiated could get interesting. Plenty of talk about him still wanting the final word on any transfers, which would seem to go against what the owners are trying to put together.
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« Damien Comolli Joins Liverpool and Previewing Napoli | Home | Gerrard Rescues Liverpool from Hodgson’s Incompetence »GalahadThreepwoodI missed the game because of work...but if I understand correctly, Steven Gerrard single-handedly won the game for us, despite Roy's best attempt to lose it with his usual crappy tactics. I'm happy for the Reds, but how often is that going to happen? What the hell is with Roy's obsession with Poulsen? I just don't get it.
AntonioGerrard show he is of different class, what he make to change a game, not because he score a hat trick, but he overall contribution to the entire team.
Mr Henry and his beautiful wife must be delighted, they know how important Gerrard is to the team. I use to blast our captain if he is not giving enough drive to the team but I can't ask for more tonight.
1st goal was about determination from the players,Shelvey push on while Gerrard keep going.
2nd goal was just if Johnson continue to play higher, it is always likely to won penalty with his running and dribbling in opponent penalty area.
3rd goal was just pure classy finish from Steven G, and yes Lucas make his contribution
*Lucas must have Roy to thank for to buy Pouslen, the latter really make Lucas a better player, as far as my opinion is concern.LynzBloody hell, Ed! You were spot on!NatalyaLo and Liverpool win at Anfield :-)
I must confess to saying I find the scoreline flatters our side a bit. Essentially Gerrard, with an assist from Leiva on the last one, single=handedly won the game for us against the run of play.
Granted I'll give credit to Hodgson for having quality on the bench, namely the skipper, unlike his blunder in the Northhampton tie a few weeks back.
Still, was anyone impressed by the manager's tactics? Outside of brief spells, I saw much of the same stodgy football Roy has mandated.EdChrist, did this all really happen? And did I actually predict a scoreline correctly? This sounds like a trap.
Noel--if you could get an open thread or some brief thoughts up, that'd be great. No chance for me in the next few hours.
Just your run of the mill 3-1 victory, yeah?Tom FooleryNice chip, Lucas's tackle was top notch too. and yes, John's wife is looking nice tooTom FooleryWell, I gotta be happy with it afterall, looks like the Henry's are pleased too. No doubt Roy will praise himself.NoelRoy is ahead of the curve and working to perfect the strikerless formation.Tom FooleryHe is the epitome of innovation and forward thinkingGrubbForward thinking - but without forwards. And 6 CMs.Red2deathRoy's substitute just scored. Tactical masterstroke, that one.
We're on our way to a famous European victory.Tom FooleryAhem, famous European draw.Red2deathWell, now it's a victory... =p
Classic triumph. Right up there with the legendary Liverpool 1-0 Bolton of 2010.
NoelWell, that was undeserved as all get out, but I'll bloody-well take it.YNWAgerrardYNWAgerrardNoelPoulsen comes off and we get the best chance of the match. Coincidence? I don't think so.Red2deathAnd on the bright side, it's not even the 70th and Hodgson's already made two changes (never mind that the first one was probably detrimental to the team).Tom FooleryWhen do you think he brings Soto up to play center forward?Red2deathI bet he's working on it in training right now. Pacheco tearing down the wing, covered by Meireles at RB. Crosses to Soto, who scores!!!Tom FooleryOnce again Roy looks clueless and lost, wandering around the sideline, rambling, and moaning at everyone. Bring on Lucas, maybe we could complete a forward pass or two.EdHaven't been able to see anything so far, and not going to. Match recap up later, or I'll leave it to Noel *hopefully* 1-0 in the 64th minute is exactly making my already shitty afternoon any better.NoelLet me know what's going on on that front, then.EdMade another comment, if you could throw something together, much obliged and stuff.NoelRight, so Jovanovic actually had one or two good moments going forward and was our only kinda-naturally-wide player, and Poulsen is terrible and either one of Shelvey or Meireles look out of place on the right...
So of course you sub off Jovanovic for Gerrard. I want to curse you out so badly right now, and I can already hear the bus you're gonna throw the players under rumbling along when it's largely your damn fault.ChrisLFCI barely....BARELY.....am starting to know the sport. And I know that's a horrible sub. Wow!Tom Fooleryoh yea, take Jova off...of course. What we needed was more right-footed players out of position....JoelAwful sub, Gerrard for Jova??? Should have been Poulsen.Tom FooleryAlright, SG to come on. First instinct...it has to be for Poulsen. Reality...its probably for Shelvey or Raul. Whattaya got Roy!?ChrisLFCOr for Jovanovic....that's as clear as mud.ChrisLFCNo worries...if we are still behind in the second half we have plenty of attacking options on the bench!Tom FooleryUgh, so right. Eccelston = attacking options.
Fack, he'll probably be loaned out sometime soon anyway.noelSweet, another fucked up header, then carragher pulls out unwisely to try to cover for it, and... yeah, that was just terrifying.
...and then carragher again refuses to pass it to the nearest unmarked man.
Neither one of them should be in the top-14 "starting" outfield players and should be emergency cover at best.davetreedont think poulsen is playing too badly....if you like 3 yard raking passes and 2 yard dashes....keep thinking im sly but my inner dialogue keeps booing everytime he gets onscreen!!!davetreejust to add to the above....nice header for the assist poulsen!!ChrisLFCCan't watch, but looks like Napoli is not sitting back like the last match? Astute tactical observation on their part.... They know Roy has no idea how to counter that strategy, he hasn't proven it once yet.NoelI'm frankly shocked, given how much they sat off at home.Tom FooleryThere's another Poulsen classic for ya.
How many more mistakes til he gets banished?RoscoBollocksnoelI like the part where Carragher has two easy midfeild outlets and is under no pressure, so he looks around like a deer in headlights for five seconds before somebody starts to close him down and--HOOF!RoscoHa! Poulson is the like the anti-LucasnoelSo far he's managed to misplace a five foot pass by five feet, screw up a defensive header while not being pressured, and get nutmegged embarrassingly. Is there anything the man can't do?RoscoOh the irony!!!!!!RoscoI would put considerable money on that he can't pat his head and rub his belly simultaneouslynoelOh, right, he's also wandering aimlessly as usual, showing a complete lack of positional sense.Red2deathIs Torres not even in the squad?
Sure, we have Chelsea coming up. But, the guy's a striker, he needs goals... doesn't matter how they come or who the opposition is. And he sure as hell has a better chance of getting one against Napoli than this weekend.RoscoWas thinking the same myself. Don't see any harm in putting him on the bench, throw him on for 10-15. A goal would do him the world of good with Sunday coming up.
Which I fear may be a severe spanking on our part. But that's worries for the days ahead.
Come on you reds!!!!RoscoShould I stop drinking or does one of those dudes have a blue mouth???????RoscoBit off topic. . . . But Linda Henry is fuckin hot!!!!Tom FooleryStrange lineup to say the least. I just don't see the logic anymore. I'm also encouraged by the Shelvey inclusion, but not as much as I'm discouraged by the Spearing, Poulsen, Meireles combo. Hoping Jay can do the creative work through the middle, cuz god knows CP won't. And putting Raul on the right again...really? Seems to be the perfect spot for D-Pach, but what do I know. The Johnson start is kinda wierd too. Glad to see him back, don't get me wrong, but wouldn't you want him rested and recovered for Sunday? Or is Roy gonna put Carra over there again?redshttp://www.liverpoolfc.tv/news/latest-news/johnson-returns-listen-live
WTF WHERE IS PACHECO!!!?!?!?!?!? IS HE REALLY THAT STUPID?!??ChrisLFCBOOOOOO!!!!!!! I don't get it either, 'reds'....Red2deathDammit. There's no matchday excitement anymore. European nights at Anfield used to be the stuff of magic. Now the event of Liverpool hosting an Italian team is spent just hoping it'll be Hodgson's last match in charge.
Yeah. Rant over.Russell Rdude, i hear that. i HATE that the magic is gone, I had that when the game starts we start with a sour feeling in our stomach at the inclusion of Poulsen, the Absence of Pacheco and the 'genius' in charge of it all, good ol ROy.priest on a mountain of sugarreina
johnson carra skrtel konchesky
shelvey poulsen (or spearing)
Pacheco gerrard jovanovic
ChrisLFCThat's almost exactly the lineup I would like to see today....which means it will likely not be close.GalahadThreepwoodI got so wrapped up in the news about Comolli yesterday that I forgot to answer Ed's questions about today's match. Here goes:
1. Reina
Carragher Kyrgiakos Skrtel Konchesky
Spearing Poulsen
Maxi Gerrard Jovanovic
2. 3 points. Attack attack attack. No Roy-ball. Please no Roy-ball.
3. 2-0 Reds. If this happens, I fully expect Roy to call this Liverpool's greatest victory in Europe ever.blog comments powered by Disqus

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